Protect Your Child's Financial Future

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Michael Wardeh, ChSNC

Greater Promise Financial

As a Chartered Special Needs Consultant, I am honored to serve individuals with disabilities and special needs families, helping them achieve greater financial security, independence, and peace of mind. With my expertise, dedication, and compassion, I strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those I serve, empowering them to build brighter futures for themselves and their loved ones.

Michael Wardeh, ChSNC

Our Commitment

Expert Guidance

Our commitment to ongoing education and expertise in special needs financial planning is paramount. This includes staying up-to-date on relevant laws, regulations, and government benefit programs, as well as understanding the unique financial challenges and opportunities faced by individuals with disabilities and their families. By continually expanding our knowledge base, we can provide informed, comprehensive guidance to our clients.

Mother showing her young son how to blow bubbles.

Empathy and Understanding

Working within our community, we have empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of the emotional and practical challenges faced by families caring for individuals with special needs. Many of us also deal with this on a personal level so it's understanding how guarded our community can be. It's important to create a safe and supportive environment for open communication so we can build trust.

Longevity Focused

As special needs advisors, we're not just financial planners – we are advocates and allies for our clients and their families. This means looking out for their best interests, navigating complex systems and bureaucracies on their behalf, and providing ongoing support and guidance as our clients navigate the various stages of their financial journey. By serving as trusted advocates and a source of support, together, we can overcome challenges, achieve financial goals, and build a brighter future.

In this together...

I firmly believe that specialized financial advising for families with special needs individuals is about more just numbers and figures – it's about empowering families, preserving dignity, and ensuring a brighter, more secure future for all. I am deeply committed to supporting you and your family on this journey, and I am here to provide guidance, expertise, and unwavering support every step of the way!

Thank you for entrusting me with the opportunity to walk alongside you on this important journey.

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Questions? Book a Call

Whether whether you're looking to protect your family, your assets, or your business, I'm here to help. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how I can help you secure the protection you need for a brighter tomorrow.

Get In Touch!

Get In Touch!

(689) 220-1984

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

All rights reserved. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Information and programs are subject to change without notice.

Greater Promise Special Needs Planning

Michael Wardeh, ChSNC®

1317 Edgewater Drive Suite 5896, Orlando FL 32804

(689) 220-1984

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